Coppell High School Health Science Program







  1. The name of this organization shall be Coppell High School Health Science  Booster Club ( CHS-HSBC).
  2. The address of this organization shall be 185 West Parkway  Coppell, TX  75019.
  3. The fiscal year shall be July 1 through June 30.      




     The basic policies of the CHS-HSBC are:

  1. That the CHS-HSBC shall be non-commercial, non-sectarian and non-partisan.
  2. That the CHS-HSBC shall not, directly or indirectly, participate or intervene in any political campaign on behalf of, or in opposition to, any candidate for public office, or devote more than an insubstantial part of its activities to attempting to influence legislation by propaganda or otherwise.
  3. That the CHS-HSBC may cooperate with other groups concerned with child welfare, but persons representing the CHS-HSBC in such matters shall make no commitments that bind CHS-HSBC.
  4. Notwithstanding any other provisions of these articles, the CHS-HSBC shall not carry on any other activities not permitted to be carried on (i) by an organization exempt from Federal income tax under Section 501(c)3 of the Internal Revenue Code, or (ii) by an organization, contributions to which are deductible under Section 170C(2) of the Internal Revenue Code.
  5. In the event of the dissolution of CHS-HSBC, its assets shall be spent exclusively for the educational needs of an organization that is operated exclusively for educational purposes as shall at the time qualify as an exempt organization under Section 501(c)3 of the Internal Revenue Code (or corresponding provisions of any future Internal Revenue Law), as the CHS-HSBC Executive Board shall determine.
  6. The CHS-HSBC reserves the right to decline any advertisements, sponsorships, or donations whose contents reflect an image that is not representative of the community at large.  Subject areas that may be declined will include, but not be limited to, those that promote alcohol, drugs, sex, and criminal and/or controversial points of view.  CHS-HSBC also reserves the right to decline the above based solely on whether the company, individual, or entity’s image meets the same standards.  Any decisions concerning the acceptance of ads, sponsorships, donations, and like material are subject to a vote of the majority of the CHS-HSBC Executive Board.




  1. This organization shall be operated as a nonprofit organization exclusively for the support of Health Science education, and as such, will support the following educational purposes:
    1. To stimulate and sustain an enthusiastic interest among parents, the Healthcare industry, the student body, and citizens of the community;
    2. To lend all possible support, both moral and financial, to programs and activities promulgated by or on behalf of the CHS-Health Science department;
    3. To provide/promote fundraising and activity support to members of the CHS Health Science department;
    4. To participate in any activity designed or conducted to promote the CHS Health Science HOSA program;
    5. To accept, hold, and enjoin donations, devices, bequests, grants, and trusts for the use, objects, and benefit of the CHS-HSBC.
    6. To liaise with those in charge of the CHS-Health Science department, the School Administration, and the Board of Education to the end that CHS-HSBC shall maintain the highest possible degree of effectiveness and efficiency.
    7. To build and maintain an organization of interested citizens that will help promote the general activities of the CHS Health Science HOSA program.




  1. The membership of this club includes any person interested in the progress and development of the CHS Health Science department.  Membership is available without regard to race, color, creed or national origin.
  2. Membership for the first year (2024-2025) will be automatic for all parents and guardians of the students enrolled in the Health Science classes, upon completion of designated membership forms, and will not require payment of membership dues. Subsequent years, membership dues will be established by The Executive Board elected for that school year. 
  3. Membership starting second year onwards will be $50 per student and $25 for additional students in the same family
  4. In addition to general membership, the organization may offer business sponsorship at levels to be determined annually by the Executive Board.
  5. The Executive Board reserves the right to deny or revoke membership to any individual, company, corporation or organization for any reason by a majority vote of the Board.




  1. The CHS-HSBC shall be governed by an Executive Board of Directors, composed of the 7 elected officers. i.e. President (1), Co-Vice-President (2), Co-Secretary (2), and Co-Treasurer (2) and the immediate Past President.  The immediate Past President will serve with no voting privileges.  The CHS Health Science instructor(s)/advisors shall serve as ex-officio members of the organization with no voting privileges.
  2. The officers of this organization shall be as follows: President (1), Co-Vice-President (2), Co-Secretary (2), and Co-Treasurer (2) .  In addition, the Past President shall serve as an officer of this organization for a one-year period immediately following the conclusion of his or her term as President.  In the event that the Past President is unable to serve or inactive in the capacities assigned, the Executive Board may appoint a replacement.
  3. The election and general responsibilities of the officers are described further in Article VIII and IX of these Bylaws.
  4. Any vacancies in an office will be filled by the Co-Vice-President until the Board appoints a successor to fill the unexpired term of that office.
  5. A serving elected officer may be removed for cause from office by a two-thirds majority vote of the Board.
  6. Each person serving on the Executive Board will have one vote.   
  7. A quorum consisting of a minimum of 3 board members is required to transact business. 





  1. Rosenberg’s Rule of Order, as may be revised periodically, shall govern this organization when not in conflict with these Bylaws.





  1. The date and time of the regular meetings of this club shall be determined by the Executive Board, but shall be called no less than two times during the year.
  2. The Executive Board shall meet prior to each regular meeting to determine the agenda of the regular meetings.
  3. Special meetings may be called by the President.





  1. A Nominating Committee, consisting of the President, Health Science Instructor(s)Broadcast Media Instructor(s) , Past President, and one other Executive Board member, shall prepare a slate of candidates.
  2. The membership shall be notified of the proposed slate for acceptance.
  3. The procedures to be followed once the nominees have been selected:
    1. The Nominating Committee will contact nominees for their acceptance of the nomination for office.
    2. Executive Board members needs to be non-senior parents***
    3. The slate should be presented at the May Executive Board meeting for approval.  A special meeting may be called by the President, if necessary, to approve the slate of nominees.
  4. Nominees for all positions can serve for up to two consecutive one-year terms for the same office.  Exceptions may be made by the Executive Board in case of need.




  1. Duties of Officers and Past President, which constitute the Executive Board Positions:
    1. President:  In addition to any other duties which may be described in these Bylaws, the  president shall:
      1. Call and preside at all meetings of the general membership and Executive Board
      2. Appoint a chairperson for ad hoc committees.
      3. Assemble nominating committee
    2. Co-Vice-President:
      1. Preside at any meeting where the President would normally preside in the absence of the President.
      2. Oversee the Fundraising activities of the organization.
      3. Carry out any duties assigned by the President.
      4. Shall ensure Rosenberg’s Rules of Order during meetings and aid the President with keeping meetings orderly.
    3. Co-Secretary :
      1. Take minutes of the General and Executive Board meetings and distribute them.

Corresponding Secretary 2:

  1. Attend to all correspondence relating to this organization and its activities performed on behalf of CHS-HSBC..
  2. Update and maintain email and telephone trees for the organization.
  3. Keep members informed of activities and events through email, handouts, and the website.


  1. Treasurer:
    1. Shall keep an accurate record of all receipts and disbursements, showing each activity separately as well as complete records of all funds.
    2. All checking accounts will have authorized signature cards from only the President, Co-Vice-President and Co-Treasurer.
    3. Treasurer’s records shall be audited at the Board’s discretion.
    4. The Treasurer shall prepare a report for each meeting of the Executive Board which shall include the current budget and financial standing of the CHS-HSBC and its committees.
    5. The Treasurer will assist the President in preparing a budget proposal for the September meeting.
    6. The Treasurer shall prepare tax and sales tax returns and other ad hoc reports as required.
    7. The Treasurer shall provide an annual report at the August Executive Board meeting that reflects the previous year’s activity through June 30.
  2. Past-President:
    1. Serve as an advisor and support to the current Executive Board.


  1. Duties of Standing Committees:
    1. Fundraising:
      1. Responsible for organizing CHS-HSBC fundraising projects, e.g.;
  1. T-Shirts and flags
  2. Fundraising events
  3. Assist Health Science instructor(s) in HOSA  fundraisers
  1. Assist in collection and accounting for various fundraising events.  Provide timely and accurate reporting to the Treasurer.
  2. Other fundraising activities as directed by the Board.
  1. Hospitality : 
    1. Provide snacks and drinks for CHS-HSBC student events and activities
    2. Work with the volunteer coordinator to recruit volunteers as needed to provide and serve refreshments for CHS-HSBC student events and activities.
    3. Plan and assist regional event related activities.
  2. Membership :
    1. Create and implement a plan to publicize and promote membership in the CHS-HSBC.
    2. Update the membership list and provide updates to the members of the Executive Board and Health ScienceBroadcast Media instructor(s) in a timely fashion.
  3. Publicity/Public Relations/Marketing :
    1. Shall be responsible for the publicity of the CHS-HSBC and create a Senior ad in the Yearbook if requested by the Board.
  1. Act as a liaison between the Health Science instructor(s) and local media by writing and submitting articles and photos or videos to local media outlets.
  2. Keep HOSA events current on the Community Bulletin Board and other community calendars.
  3. Fundraiser publicity
  4. CHS Newsletter
  5. Collect all broadcast media articles, videotapes, etc. that have appeared in local media and distribute to Health Science instructor(s) and others as needed.
  6. Create a committee to assist in the Publicity/Public Relations duties as needed. 
  7. Act as Website Coordinator, to keep the CHS-HSBC website current.


  1. Volunteer Coordinator:
    1. Assist Board members and committee chairpersons to obtain volunteers for CHS-HSBC programs and events.
    2. Obtain volunteers and chaperones for trips and activities as needed and directed by the Board.

  1. Education :

(I) Arrange external speakers / educational opportunities for students.

  1. Ad Hoc Committees:

Ad Hoc committees may be formed to conduct special business as may be determined to be necessary by the Executive Board, e.g.;

  1. Audit
    1. An Audit committee of at least three people, one person not on the Executive Board, shall be appointed by the President.





  1. The President, after consultation with the Health Science instructor(s), will submit a budget to the Executive Board for approval prior to the September general membership meeting.
  2. Current-year financial goals will be presented to the general membership at the September meeting.





  1. The Constitution and Bylaws may be amended by a two-thirds majority vote of the Executive Board.  The amendments must be presented in writing (or via email) at least two weeks before the meeting at which the vote is taken.